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ბან კი-მუნი რუსეთს ჰომოფობიის გამო აკრიტიკებს Ban Ki-moon condemns homophobia; გეი ლგბტ ახალი ამბები

თებერვალი 8, 2014

აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა.

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He was happy to join in the festive spirit for the Games by running along dressed in a colourful tracksuit at an Olympic parade in Sochi.

But the UN Secretary General was totally serious with some forthright comments condemning homophobia.

Ban Ki-moon did not mention directly Russia's controversial laws against so-called "gay propaganda".

But speaking before the International Olympic Committee, he said that hatred had "no place in the 21st century".

"We must all

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