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Amazing monstrous whirlpool / Чудовищный водоворот / Dvietes atvars, Latvia

ნოემბერი 2, 2015

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Dviete, Latvia (Latvija) GPS Coordinates: 26.29209, 56.05268
Monstrous whirlpool in parish Dviete, Latvia swallows everything in its path. Swallowing everything dragged towards its direction, this monstrous whirlpool looks as if a plug has been pulled from the ground beneath.

Atvars apēd visu ledu un pārējo, kas peld pa ūdens virsmu!!! Video uzņēmis Guntis Astičs, Dvietes pagastā, Ilūkstes novadā, Latvijā, 18.04.2013.

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