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ტერიმ ტოტენჰემის ფანი შეაშინა (გამოიწერეთ გვერდი)

იანვარი 3, 2015

აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა.

  • px
  • px
  • Embed ძველი ვერსია
5 - მომწონს
2 - არ მომწონს

The London derby between Chelsea and Spurs is a particularly charged and volatile affair, with no love lost between either set of supporters.

Away players are guaranteed to take stick, and generally, London lads take the most abuse for their greater attachment to their club.

John Terry was naturally enough a target of the Spurs fans’ ire last Sunday night then, and when he went to collect the ball for a throw-in he took an earful of abuse from the Spurs fans in the first rows.

One old boy in

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