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25 სოლო მიზნები ფეხბურთის ისტორიაში Top 25 Solo Goals In Football History
101 ნახვა იანვარი 9, 2018

Top 25 Solo Goals In Football History ft. Francesco Totti, Lionel Messi, Neymar etc. If you enjoyed the video, give it a thumbs up and please subscribe for new videos! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Top 25 Greatest Solo Goals In Football History Топ 25 лучших соло-голов в истории футбола ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♬ Musi

ეს ფეხბურთის პატივისცემა This is Football Respect
185 ნახვა იანვარი 9, 2018

The third part of football respect, great moments, positive gestures and sporstmanship. It showcases football players doing great things for their fans. Twitter: https://twitter.com/danedosantos Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DaneDoSantosOfficial Google+: https://plus.google.com/+DaneDoSantos The video is about sportsmanship moments in Football and all things mentioned here: Sportsmanship, football respect moments , sportsmanship moments, neymar respect, football sportsmanship, respect mom

10 საფეხბურთო ლეგენდების მეგობრობა Top 10 Football Legend Friendship
164 ნახვა იანვარი 9, 2018

Top 10 Football Legend Friendship football friendship moments, best football friendships, football friendship, football for friendship, football friendships, Friendship in football, BEst Football friendships, Football best friend

ბოლო მატჩი Totti, Beckham, Gerrard, Ronaldo..
146 ნახვა იანვარი 9, 2018

LAST MATCH #1 ● Farewell, retirement, transfer, respect : Totti, Beckham, Gerrard, Ronaldo..

ფეხბურთელები რომლებმაც ყოფილ კლუბს გოლები გაუტანეს
275 ნახვა იანვარი 9, 2018

Craziest respectful goals against former clubs, enjoy! Title: Top 35 Craziest Disrespectful & Disrespectful Goals Against Former Clubs In Football History

ეს ყველას არ შეუძლია
219 ნახვა იანვარი 9, 2018

Hit LIKE and SUBSCRIBE Thank you for watching! If you enjoyed, please Subscribe us; http://bit.ly/Wrzzer Title: Top 20 Most Ankle Breaker Skills Track: +Tobu - Sunrise (Original Mix) https://youtu.be/N5svR6NCTFg

რატომ არ შეუძლია გააკეთოს კრიშტიანომ ის რასაც ნეყმარი აკეთებს This Is Why Ronaldo Hate Neymar ● 4 Things Neymar Can Do And Ronaldo Can’t!
453 ნახვა იანვარი 9, 2018

This Is Why Cristiano Ronaldo Hate Neymar ● 4 Things Neymar Jr Can Do That Cristiano Ronaldo Can’t! ----------------------------------------­------------------------------------ Who is better? Neymar Jr or Cristiano Ronaldo? Ronaldo fans will say "Ronaldo!!" And Neymar fans will say "Neymar" cause this is the truth! In this video you can see 4 Things Neymar Can Do And Cristiano Ronaldo Can't. Ronaldo fans will cry/be angry when they watch the video, cause the truth

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