Bike week Daytona 2013 Sheriff s Tron Bike on Main Street (WAY TOO COOL!!!)
2013 Camaro ZL1 Turbo - HEAVILY Modified
ზაპო ოპელ კალიბრას ძრავზე, ალბათ ბერვს გინახავთ ეს მანქანა ქალაქში.
The Goodyear Eagle 360 is our vision for a tire for the long-term future that looks radically different from tires today…it’s a sphere! The unique shape means ultimate manoeuvrability, safety and connectivity for autonomous vehicles.
Dodge viper GTS crashes on the highway after trying to show off.
WORLD s FIRST Bugatti CHIRON Start-up & Unloaded in Monaco
Une F1 contre huit joueurs de rugby, de prime abord cela ne semble pas très juste. Un moteur de 750 chevaux, chef-d'œuvre d'ingénierie qui peut atteindre 320 km/h contre 8 brutes épaisses de chair, d'os et de muscles. Sérieusement ? C'est exactement le défi qu'a lancé le team de F1 Red Bull Racing au club de rugby de Bath, pour voir ce que pouvait donner la RB8 dans une mêlée.
Mymator #share and #like !!!
1946 Chevy Hot Rod Rat Rod Pickup Truck - 2015 NSRA Nationals
Tricyclers Drift Down Mountain Road Trike Drift
SlingshotX Tanner Foust San Diego, CA
Traxxas XMAXX- Get's the approval from Speed Society, wow this thing is bad ass!! #traxxas #xmaxx Who wants one? Tell us what color, blue/red Maybe we will pick at random someone to send a rig too.
Facebook : Their mission in life? Blazing rubber and riding their bikes hard as hell. And after they've had their fun, take things to the next level of course by super charging these deadly machines of beauty. Is it normal that I got tears of joy watching this video? I would love to see how many people go try to ride their bikes like this now. Please put a cage on it, before you do and make sure you wear your helmet! Watch below as these hooligans drift these INSAN
As any avid biker will tell you, motorcycles have a lot of advantages over cars - they use less fuel, accelerate faster, are more maneuverable, can be parked in more places, and don't incorporate the weight of extra seating for passengers who are non-existent on solo commutes. As many other people will tell you, however, motorcycles also leave their occupants open to the rain and cold, and can potentially tip over and scatter those occupants across the road. That's where Lit Motors' C-1 comes into the picture. It's a proposed fully-enclosed two-passenger electric motorbike that uses an electronically-controlled gyroscopic stabilizing system to stay upright when stopped, or even when struck from the side in an accident. Lit Motors is based out of San Francisco, and is headed up by industrial/automotive designer Daniel Kim. The idea for the C-1 came to him after he had traveled around the world for a year, seeing the transportation challenges and innovations in developing nations. "I met thousands and thousands of people, and learned how cultures function and how people get around," he told us. "It was an amazing experience. That's basically what informed me, for the rest of my life." The vehicle So far, Kim and his team have developed an operating model of the C-1's flywheel-based stabilization system, along with a full-scale fiberglass mock-up of the vehicle itself. They are now working on a hand-built steel uni-bodied working prototype, which should reportedly be complete within about three months. Plans call for an initial run of production vehicles to be available at a price of about US$24,000 by late 2013, with that price going down to $16,000 once full production gets under way in 2014.
LS1 Mazda RX-7 vs Camaro ZL1 & Procharged Mustang 5.0
RGV Lowriders Battle at the Bay 2014 Pure Insanity II
The new 718 Boxster – Everday usability
Drifting RC Van With Hiace Speaker System ეს სიმბოლოები რომელიც დატანილია საბურავებზე შემდეგნაირად აიხსნება: მაგალითი ცხრილის მიხედვით: 205/65 R 15 89 H 205 – საბურავის სიგანე მილიმეტრებში 65 – საბურავის სიმაღლე სიგანესთან შედარებით R – საბურავის კონსტრუქცია. ამ შემთხვევაში – რადიალური 15 – საბურავის შიდა დიამეტრი (უნდა ემთხვეოდეს დისკის დიამეტრს) 89 – საბურავის დატვირთვის ინდექსი – დამამზადებლის მიერ ნებადართული მაქსიმალური დატვირთვის მაჩვენებელი. (კონკრეტულ შემთხვევაში 580 კგ. ერთ საბურავზე) H – საბურავის სიჩქარის ინდექსი – ავტომობილის დასაშვები მაქსიმალური სიჩქარის მაჩვენებელი (კონკრეტულ შემთხვევაში – 210 კმ/სთ-ში)