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RC ADVENTURES - TTC 2012 - Eps 5 - MUD BOG / TRUCK KiLLER - Scale 4x4 Truck Challenge - Rude Boyz RC

ნოემბერი 4, 2013

აირჩიეთ პლეიერის სასურველი ზომა.

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http://www.RCSparks.com - 1080HD! MUD, MUDDiER, THE MUDDiEST! This land of SLOP is a True Truck Killer! Sandy, Gritty, FULL OF Dinosaur Bones - these Bad lands of Alberta Canada - know how to CRiPPLE a 10th Scale 4x4 Trail Truck in just moments...

For those competitors who are able, willing and committed to showing the online YOUTUBE RC ADDiCTS the BEST STTC MUD BOG they could give - the following competitors risked their rigs .. and utter annihilation!

EVEN MY 1:5 Scale Rock Crawler "TH

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